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How to play superenalotto online ?

Estrazione del Superenalotto

How to play superenalotto online ?

With a Jackpot that has overcome 100 million Euro several times, and close to 200 recently, a lot of people from all around the world ask themselves : how can I play Superenalotto Online ?

The answer is easy and is not “only on the site of the concessionaire”. You can play Superenalotto on every site that has the logo of the Italian Authority , or listed on www.adm.gov.it/portale/monopoli/giochi/gioco_distanza/gioco_dist_concessionari

Of course there are better ones . We compared all sites and our opinion is that only www.giochi24.it is truly specialized on lotteries. All the lotteries are available on the main page with a click on the left bar. 

But, do I need something else to play ?

Yes you need the money of course . The minimum deposit is normally 10 euro , that you can have back easily if you do not play all the 10 Euro. Having the money back (or the winnings) is very easy and every site, such as www.lottoland.it is guaranteed by the Government

More peculiar, you need to have an Italian fiscal code . The request for the 15 characters of the fiscal code can be made by every Italian , immigrant or working in Italy, at www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/wps/content/Nsilib/Nsi/Schede/Istanze/Richiesta+TS_CF/Come+si+chiede+il+Codice+Fiscale/?page=istanzecomunicazionicitt

If you live abroad and you forget it you can still play. Just get your fiscal code in few seconds at www.codice-fiscale.org.. It’ easy and free. 

Once on www.giochi24.it you’ll be able to play also all the other games of course. If you won to win a lot, as an example , you can play only on giochi24 the Million Games , or just buy a ticket of il megamiliardario, a game so popular that has its own website, www.ilmegamiliardario.it

Remember in any case, that whenever you play, the chance of losing are more than the chance of winning. Not all the tickets win something, you need luck, and a lot of luck to win millions. 

Tags: superenalotto

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